Dear Amber,
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What are you doing mooning over that awful boy? He's clearly just tolerating your friendship. Put him down. Immediately.
There we are, that's much better. Now, take a good look at your friendships. How many of these people would you actually trust with anything more important that holding your drink whilst you nip to the bathroom? They may be fun, and have friends that mean you can get backstage with all the bands at The Venue but they really aren't worth the time. Take care of the people that take care of you.
Don't put off anything that you can be doing now. Eating healthy and exercising is always a good place to start. You're always going to be saying that you'll start your diet on a day when the canteen isn't serving Pizza. You're always going to have an excuse to skip gym class. Seriously, I know, you're damn good at thinking new ones up. But you have to start one day, prolonging the pain of changing a bad habit is never a good idea.
You don't have to know where you're going. You don't have to figure out everything at once. Very few people do. You just have to start thinking about how you're going to get there. If you want to eventually reach for something on the top shelf of life, you need to start building your ladder now.
Do your school work. Neopets and World of Warcraft are always going to be there, but one day you'll run out of time for studying and you'll be left with grades that really do reflect the amount of effort you put in.
You're worth more than you think. Stop letting people take advantage of you, and don't be so generous with yourself to people that don't deserve it. They wont think twice about you in the years to come, but you'll always be able to remember and regret it. Treating yourself with the respect you deserve would solve all kinds of problems in your life, and you'd be half as lonely and miserable.
Go home for once. Your Mother misses you. Save the partying and staying out late for when you're a bit older, y'know when you can legally do these things and it's way more fun. Otherwise when you do get there it'll bore you to death.
Write more letters to your grandmother. Read more books. Go to the theater more. Start saving to go traveling. Have an open mind, and an open heart. Take the time to be happy. Just pretending you are doesn't count.
Don't try to rush through life in fear that it will all never happen. You'll get there in the end, just try not to miss the scenery on the way there. Remember above all other things that you are enough.
Your 21 year Old Self
What would you say to your 16 year old self if you had the chance?
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