A Letter to My Younger Blogger Self:

Posted on the 28 August 2012 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

Dear Me:

When you start out on this adventure of blogging, it may start slow, but you eventually begin to find your groove. In the end, it’s okay if you change things around for a bit, and you don’t necessarily have to give yourself a single niche, this blog was started to talk about all the things you love, remember?

Don’t ever forget why you began to blog either. Remember, it was for your love of writing. And always go back to that. Down the road if you need a break, it’s okay to take a day or two off. Your readers will forgive you, and they’ll be there when you get back into the swing of things.

A few months down the road you’re going to realize how awesome it is to share knowledge of the things you know. And you’re going to find that people are really receptive to your photography tips. Yes, you will be the first to admit that you don’t know everything, but concentrate on the things you do know. There’s a whole wealth of people that enjoy your tips and advice, and look forward to them on Mondays.

In February, one of your articles begins to take off, and you begin to realize the possibilities, and how people are noticing your blog, and are starting to recognize you in person at blogging events. How awesome is that?

Although you’re not a food blogger, months down the road, you’re going to find how fun food can be. You will start to explore the possibilities of food photography, and the possibilities of how fun it can be to create new things and recipes. Some things work out, and you share, others you keep hidden to yourself, but you’re beginning to put yourself out there.

You’re also going to find out how much you truly enjoy promoting other people’s endeavors, and how much you want to see the success of something you believe in. When that happens, there’s no stopping you in getting the word out.

And the most important thing is to stay true to yourself. Only promote items that you would utilize yourself, and only promote movies that you would actually go see on your own accord. You may get pitched movies that you have no interest in so why would you take the time to write about it? Again, it’s about staying true to yourself.

PS: You’ve become a full on wino. Enjoy the ride, and keep exploring wineries.

You may get pitched on a product that you don’t love, or aren’t feeling. When that happens, just send an email back and let them know your thoughts. They will appreciate you for your honesty, and again, you’re staying true to yourself.

In the end, don’t ever lose that “Minnesota Girl.” Minnesota is known for “Minnesota Nice.” Keep that going, and yes, there may be times when things get hard, and life throws you a curve ball, but you will have your blog to look upon, and realize you did something right.

Oh, and yea, this letter is a bit on the mushy side, but it only makes you human