Diaries Magazine

A Lilac Surprise

Posted on the 24 March 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

A Lilac Surprise

Photo:Nikon D3200, Textures Simply & Rest_Magic by Kim Klassen

A colleague came to my office today holding these lilac flowers in her hand. She came to me, gave me the flowers and a hug, and said that it's been such a pleasure to work together!
I was really moved, and very happy ...
We have been colleagues the last 4½ years, and since last summer we have been working together on this project, that is about to end next week.
Such a sweet gesture ... She is a pearl, and I have surely enjoyed having her as my companion ... I want to give her something special as well, that would remind her of the moments spend together, creating and implementing the project.
The project has been a 6 week intervention with the 5th grades at the school, about "training the attention muscles", learning to relax, and thereby get in touch with one self - How am I doing / feeling at the moment.
We have started with small, concrete ecxercises, focusing one's perception and attention to the body - relaxing and tightening muscles, focusing on breathing ... and bit by bit, towards being a bit more abstract ... to the feelings - How am I doing at the moment?
Learning to accept one self is a step towards being able to accepting the other  person.
That brings us to our second focus point: The class fellowship - being attentive towards others, developing empathy.
How your class mate is doing today ... How is the atmosphere in our class today ... What can I do to bring about a positive change?
We've done different ecxercises together ... It's been a pleasure to work together with the students and the teachers. Our goal has been from the very beginning, that teachers will gradually take over, and that is taking place.
:  :  :

A Lilac Surprise

Photo: iPhone, Polamatic, Snapseed,
Textures Simple & Present Kim Klassen

 I'm admiring the lilac flowers on the table, and thinking about how I could surprise my colleague ... Receiving something delightful unexpectedly is such a joy! Wishing you both sunshine and rainy days clouds with silver lining... Nina  Sharing with Texture Tuesday Floral LoveSaturday Sharefest Weekly Topshot

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