Diaries Magazine
My Husband usually picks Ethan up from Nursery, where he goes two mornings a week, but today I went along also.
When we arrived, we found him sitting in a little circle with four other boys, playing cars together.
Usually when he sees his Dad he'll run over to him and is ready to go home. But today when he saw us, he simply smiled at us and continued playing. When it came to telling him that it was home time, he didn't want to leave and just kept shaking his head, saying 'cars'.
He's only been going for less than ten half days and already we've seen such a huge change in him. His speech has exploded as has his confidence. The nursery staff have also commented on how much of a change they themselves have seen in him.
We really couldn't be prouder of our little boy and I'm so glad that I put my own hesitations and anxieties around sending him to nursery before he turned three to the side. It really has done him an absolute world of good.