A Little Peek Inside Andie's Nursery

Posted on the 27 February 2013 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
Several sweet ladies have reached out to me wanting to see a peek inside the nursery. We have the basics... the crib, dresser, and book shelf... but we don't have much decor and we are still waiting for our rocking chair to arrive.  Thinking about how to decorate it all is a bit overwhelming, so I am just taking my time... and TL loves to add his own touches :)
Here's a little peek of what we have so far:
Her little hair bows in the jar :)  The curtains... one of my favorite parts of the room!
I know... it's not much!  I will take better pictures (not cell phone ones) and do an entire post on where I found everything after we get a better idea of what we're doing!
I wish a few of you girls lived close to me to help me with your decorating skills!
We already love this little girl so much... it's hard to believe we're already in the 3rd trimester and that she's going to be here in less than 100 days.
Hope you're having a great week!