A Lot Has Already Been Said

Posted on the 10 November 2013 by Yamini
Aah it is one of those feminist things, is it?
Isn't it passe?
We all know it, what new thing are you saying?
Oppression, rebellion, discrimination, we have heard them all.
Body politics, acknowledging the gender, gender fluidity we have heard them too.
The Buddhist women spoke about it, the dalit women spoke about it, white women spoke about it, colored women spoke about it, educated women spoke about, the politicians spoke about it, journalists spoke about it, almost the entire world spoke about it.
Writing the Ramayana, Mahabharata from the women's perspective is also done. Bible is still remaining, but unfortunately it doesn't give scope for that, it is a one man's show.
A lot has been said, probably much more than what is needed.
Now even the intellectual conference's do not have these topics.
Amu gave up her job as her husband wants her to look after the house.
Nikki solely does the job of a caretaker of the house, a cook, a baby sitter and a manager in the corporation.
The Radio says " Salute the mother, sister, wife and daughter" on women's day.
Siddharth calls Ankita "That lesbian bitch"
Anil says "There is a lot of gender diversity in this office", on seeing three women on the floor. "It is not parliament that you push women through reservations", he says.
Daniel says "But you are a girl you still have an option not to work", to Priya.
Lakshmi goes to the astrologer to check the stars of her daughter who shows no interest in getting married.
Nimita is worried she looks fat.
The TV channels talk about how the dress is not the culprit of the rape
Rejuvenate your vagina and become 18 again and feel like a virgin, is the latest product in the market
Zoya is worried how she would wear a sleeveless blouse as her underarms are not shaved.
Sophie is a mother of two kids at the age of 17.
Barbara has to use harmful ways to terminate her pregnancy, as abortion is not allowed.
"Should we go for another child, it is girl again", says Akhila to her husband.
Diya says "A man is a symbol of god in a woman's life, that is what god said"
Akshaya says "I'm worried. What if the scar is deep, how will my daughter get married?"
Nobody ever sells insurance to women.
Pushpa gets paid a hundred rupees for a days work whereas the men get a hundred and fifty rupees.
Preeti fasts for the entire day on karvachaut for the husbands well being while her husband feasts, and it calls for a celebration.
All the top music numbers talk about the body parts of women
Sandhya changes her surname within 5 seconds of the wedding on facebook.
A cream which promises fairer skin sells makes fifteen hundred crores a year.
The main job of the deodorant is to make women run behind men.
The film Fire is banned.
A company CEO's maternity leave raises questions on whether women can be leaders.
Yes a lot has really been said.......