A New Beginning

Posted on the 15 June 2011 by Closetrehab @Closet_Rehab

Hey there! Many of you probably don’t know me yet, but some of you may remember me from the blog Review Retreat- a mom blog/ product review and giveaway blog. I’m not quitting my other blog, but I am taking a temporary leave of absence. I never planned to quit blogging, but several unfortunate events began to occur one after another. So, I’m trying to figure out a new direction for that blog but you can find out more about that here.

As far as Closet Rehab, my mind is completely open. The one thing I know for sure is that I want this blog to be a reflection of myself. My other blog consumed my time and most of that time was spent writing for companies- I always had to watch what I said, how I said it and so on. I want the freedom to truly express myself – that’s exactly what I will do here.

A few topics you will definitely see on Closet Rehab are:

- Weight: {preferably weight loss but it could go either way} I gained 90lbs during my pregnancy. My son is three. Haha! I also have PCOS which contributes to weight gain and makes it more difficult to lose than the average women. My overall goal is to lose 100 pounds but we’ll take it day by day.

- My daily look: Said pregnancy has deformed changed my body and I have become all too comfortable wearing yoga pants and fitted t’s. I am by no means a fashion expert, but I will give it my best shot.

- Video posts/ Vlogs: Sometimes I don’t always feel like writing but I always have something to say! Plus, I enjoy watching video blogs – they should be fun to make/watch =)

- Complaining Talking about my workouts: I actually like working out, sometimes. But talking about my workout doesn’t seem interesting unless I include comments about everyone working out around me.

- Cooking:  In other words, I will attempt to cook and take pretty pictures of my catastrophes creations.

Other topics you might see here:

- PCOS: I have it and it sucks. It sucks more to know so many women suffer from it too, so I may, from time to time, talk about it.

- My family: Touchy subject for me. I AM a mom who blogs but this is NOT a mom blog. I love my husband and son but I don’t like the feeling of announcing our lives to the world. I may share something cute or funny on occasion but this will NOT be a regular topic.

- Addiction: Alcoholism to be more specific. I may or may not talk about this. Alcoholism runs through generations in my family. Thank God, I broke the cycle. My mother is an alcoholic. I struggle with our relationship or lack thereof. I don’t plan to talk about this topic but it always comes up/ is always on my mind/ seems to get the best of me/ so if I’m having a moment – I’ll talk about it.

- Speaking of God: I am religious- Baptist. If I wanted to start a religious blog, I would have but I didn’t. I may write “thank God” or “I’ve been praying about…” but that is the extent of it. I don’t like to touch on the subject of religion because it’s no doubt a controversial topic. I don’t like controversy.

One more thing… I may have A.D.D or Attention Deficit Disorder. I’ve never been tested but it runs like wildfire through my family. I have the symptoms. I will do my best to stay on topic but no promises. If you’re not sure what I mean an example would be me talking about a great price I got on a cardigan to talking about how I used to fear cardigans because they reminded me of grandmas then jumping into a conversation about me as a kid and the adventures I had with grandma. Like I said, I do my best to avoid this.

I’m off to try Subway’s Turkey and Bacon Sub with Avocado. Not exactly diet food but, hey, I never said I was perfect!