A New Year

Posted on the 03 January 2012 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

A new year has come and gone. Goodbye Twenty Eleven. Hello Twenty Twelve. Around the first of the year you can't help but look back and grade yourself and see how many of those projects you started in your head actually went anywhere. I'm not really much for new year's resolutions though. Seems like they're too set up for failure. I mean who actually sticks to them? It's like they're made to be broken. I'm more for just regular resolutions. Short term, baby steps to a final destination. Just easier for my mind to work to a goal like that.
New Year's Eve's Eve was my New Year's Eve. Did that make sense? It wasn't planned at all. Hector sent me a "hungry?" text around mid-afternoon that day. I had gotten off work that morning and mowed my yard. I was hungry but dead tired. I answered him with "hells to the yeah" (which is pretty much my affirmative answer for everything) but the second i hit send i kept picturing myself nodding off at hooters or wherever we'd have eventually ended up. "I think i'm gonna just pass out, dude," i said. But Hector wasn't looking to go out somewhere. He had made some of his soon to be world famous ribs and had a full rack to bring over. Well that changes everything. I told him to come on over, i showered, woke up a little, and the rest is history. Sprunger ended up coming over, the fire pit was on, and a few cases of beer and a bottle of Forty Creek later, the Brewsual Suspects were having a great night. That became my New Year's Eve. I worked New Year's Day so i knew i wouldn't be going out the night before. Been there, done that. And that day lived in infamy for awhile in the department so i didn't want to revisit it. So New Year's Eve's Eve was my New Year's Eve. Make sense now? Good.
Pearl Jam Twenty. Got Netflix? Grow up during the height of grunge like i did? Add it to your queue. It's a really cool documentary. Growing up and being a teenager in the early 90s i got spoiled by good music and thought it would last forever. It went away quick (See N'Sync, Backstreet Boys). There's good music around now, but It's cool looking back and seeing how all these bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and other bands were all playing the same gigs, interacting with each other, criss crossing paths and all were on the path to super stardom and didn't even see it coming. Thanks to Angela Garcia for recommending it. Who would have thought the hot nurse was actually cool too? (jk, Angela) Music is everything.

Pearl Jam - "Black"

Pearl Jam - "State of Love and Trust"

I need to be productive tomorrow. Got business to attend to with Ignite. The beginning of the year is always booming. I read something a couple days ago, and i promise this isn't a resolution, but definitely something i'm sticking to (plus my brain loves acronyms).

I like that.
Here's a cool video i found on YouTube from the Pumpkins during their Adore era. It's called "Intimate & Interactive". They had just dropped Jimmy Chamberlain for drug use, and replaced him with this massive percussion section and were going in a total new direction. I miss that time. I don't think i completely got it while it was happening though. You don't have the patience to slow down when you're in your early 20s. Now looking back i can appreciate it more. They start off quiet with "To Sheila" at 1:12, then rock out "Ava Adore" at the 5:56 minute mark and "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" is completely futuristic at 28:00. They perform 6 songs total with interviews mixed in. I'm hungry. I'm off to eat. Enjoy.