Self Expression Magazine

A NORMAL [Bollywood Included] POST

Posted on the 24 July 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Thanks guys for such great support and ideas on how to handle this decision. Decisions are so hard. In this one what’s great about it is that both choices are awesome. I’ll probably be pretty darn happy either way I choose to go.

But in a lot of ways that makes it harder. Oh DARN!

Since I wrote you a weird-long-journal(ish) type post this morning I figured it was time to get back to normal for this one…

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Like I can be normal… pah-leeze!

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The coworkers were going to Erik’s Deli today so I jumped on board. Lunch with the Pop’s is always fun and I really really really like Erik’s.

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I decided to be adventurous and try their new Bollywood sandwich which is a chicken salad with yellow curry sauce, raisins, celery, sprouts and tomato.

Loving this very crusty multigrain bread.


Is it possible for chicken salad to be bad???

This sandwich was really good. Holy delicious! The curry was pretty mild. In a perfect world I’d like a little more curry sauce. But I’d still order this again.

Maybe I just really like curry… a lot.


  • Work ‘til 3
  • gym 3-4
  • shower 4-4:45
  • driving to Gilroy on a secret mission 5:30
  • shopping with my Momma 6:15- whenever :mrgreen:

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