You're Kidding Me Right?
I really hadn't seriously thought about participating in the National Novel Writing Challenge, but now, of course, the night before it starts I'm actually thinking of doing it. It seems like a lot of my writer friends are going to try and get involved, and I asked myself why I hadn't even thought writing for it. I'm not sure to be honest. Maybe it's the time constraints or the huge idea of the project. The plan is to write a certain number of words a day, pacing yourself so that, by the end of November, you have a 50,000 word novel. WOW, so when did I ever think about writing a novel?
I really had kind of given up the writing thing way back after I graduated from college. My career life took a different route, another of my passions, helping others. So I left the writing by the roadside and really didn't give it another thought. Well that's not totally true, every once in a while I thought about it, but I really didn't think I had a viable outlet. Then I discovered Fan Fiction. After reading the wonderful stories, my writing muse started dancing around head trying to get my attention and I opened the door and let her run free. Guess what? It's been one of the best experiences I've had in a long time.
I love writing the stories, getting the feedback and hearing from the readers; it's addictive. So now I'm sitting here seriously wondering if I could do this. What can I write a novel about, and where in the world will I find the time? Well I have no clue on both points, but really don't I owe it to myself to give it a shot? Don't we all owe it to ourselves to take a risk, to take a leap of faith?
Ya, I think we do so here I am taking a risk and a big leap of faith. I'll update you along the way.