Diaries Magazine

A Post About Not Blogging

Posted on the 05 February 2013 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
A Post About Not Blogging
I think for all bloggers we feel the need to share our blogging wisdom. Lately, I feel like that is all I have been reading. Blog posts about blogging on a blog. Isn't that a tad redundant. After all, if we were all master bloggers we would all have the same number of followers and would quit our jobs and blog all day {one can dream, right?}. The truth of the matter is, blogging can't be all about how to be the best blogger ever. Hmm. That sounds like a reality show just dying to happen...Don't steal my idea.
I have read several blog posts about how to grow my blog, how to be a Tweet-head, how to become a Pinterest sensation, how to make money blogging, how to get more followers, how to have better content, how to design blog elements...See what I mean? Been there, done that. I especially did so when I first started blogging seriously. Like I had a blog design, cared if people read my blog, etc. Now, I feel like blogging is becoming consumed with being the most popular, or being the best. I don't know who the "best" blogger is, but for me and my blog- I am. Makes sense, right? The blog is mine. I write for it. I take pictures for it. It's mine and I am queen. We are all kings and queens of our blogs - despite our purpose or subject matter.
Don't get me wrong. Advice is great, especially for beginners, like me. I desperately needed advice because I didn't know what I was doing. But, I can't seem to wrap my brain around those who've blogged for significantly less time than me (been doing this for 8 years total) to give me blogging advice. Design wise? Yes, I am clueless. But writing wise, I think I have a pretty good handle on things. Besides, if you have quality, genuine content, readers will come. Yes, advertise on other blogs. Email and connect with other bloggers. Do not try and be "that" blogger. Isn't it hard enough just being ourselves?
Thank you for reading. Daily. Thank you for responding to my tweets, posts, and Facebook statuses. Thank you for appreciating this blog and not just me. From the bottom of this blogger's heart, Thank you.

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