A Prayer for CT

Posted on the 15 December 2012 by Missliabilities
Bless the families of those children who went home tonight and those whose children will never come home.  Bless the children who watched the news today, and that those young and old adults struggling with their dark thoughts to find the strength to get help to avoid a tragedy like this. Bless the idiots who commented on the news bashing God, bashing the gun control laws, because they could only react with anger and hatred from this senseless tragedy. 
Bless my beautiful boyfriend who took me out to dinner and begged me to stop thinking about those unopened presents hidden in the closet for children who will never see another Christmas or Hanukkah. Bless him for buying me wine, and holding me through this tragedy and my own problems, and putting on Christmas Vacation for the millionth time. Bless him for having the strength to carry himself and me with dignity no matter what happens.
And God, I know I'm not the best of followers and I have done a lot of wrong in my life, but bless you for blessing all of us time and time again.