A Rare Fun Friday Night

Posted on the 23 January 2013 by Kclark051 @classickc
Having a baby has been a little tough on me and the bf being able to really go out and just hangout together. We always get the normal and typical dinner's and movie dates, or we have to go out separately with our friends as one person always has to watch baby B. She is not quite at that stage where we can leave her with someone over night as her sleeping habits are crazy and we don't want to have to have someone else deal with that all that craziness. This past Friday though we had a rare chance to go out with some friends and just relax together, have a few drinks and have some fun. Last time we were able to do that was for the bf's birthday last August lol. We really needed this too. We needed that laughter and hanging out just the two of us again.

The night turned out great, we got to hang out with some of our friends, played some pool, had a few drinks, crappy food though but still fun. Here are just a few pictures of me and my girls being silly with the camera. 

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Until Next Time XO