a Shortlived Journey (RIP Kindle).

Posted on the 01 September 2011 by Agadd @ashleegadd

March 1, 2011: Birthday month (!!!). Ashlee wants needs a Kindle.

March 3, 2011: Ashlee contemplates an iPad instead.

March 4, 2011: Ashlee decides once and for all she wants needs a Kindle. Because Kindles are only for reading. And Ashlee loves to read. Because reading makes her a better writer. Or, so she believes.

March 20, 2011: Brett gives Ashlee a Kindle for her 25th birthday. Ashlee is so, so happy. She especially loves her hot pink cover and fancy reading light.

May 1, 2011: Ashlee brings Kindle to Greece and reads The Help and Bossy Pants and Orange is the New Black and Redeeming Love. Kindle gets tan and falls in love with Santorini.

July 21, 2011: Ashlee boards a plane to Vegas, and carefully places Kindle in the pocket of the seat in front of her. Drunk stupid 21 year olds yell and scream for the duration of the flight, and Ashlee is too distracted to read.

July 22, 2011: Ashlee puts on her swimsuit, and looks for her Kindle to bring to the pool. Backpack is empty. Heart races. Ashlee realizes she LEFT KINDLE ON THE PLANE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Ashlee almost cries, and calls Southwest to report a lost item claim.

July 29, 2011: Ashlee checks mailbox, optimistic.

August 4, 2011: Ashlee checks mailbox, still optimistic.

August 11, 2011: Ashlee checks mailbox, slightly less optimistic.

August 24, 2011: Ashlee checks mailbox, hardly optimistic at all.

August 30, 2011: Ashlee deregisters Kindle, and gives up all hope. She is so, so sad.

The end.

Because not all stories have happy endings.

{ Kindle, enjoying breakfast on the balcony in Oia, Santorini.