A Soft Word

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

By Molly Hahn Cartoonist, Children's Illustrator/Author

Today, I am excited to welcome one of my most favorite writers. She is also a very dear blogger friend who authors the inspiring blog at 10 Steps to Finding Your Happy Place (And Staying there)
Dear Readers - here is Galen Pearl.
I am always thrilled when I visit a blog for the first time and know instantly I am going to get hooked to it. Galen's blog is one of them. Her blog is devoted to helping us develop habits to grow a joyful spirit. In addition to writing, she leads workshops and discussion groups focused on increasing the joy in our lives. I love that she is a Nunchucks Nana!

In my eyes, Galen is a born teacher with the talent to turn a simple, ordinary occurrence into a beautiful and extraordinary life-lesson. Her writing is simple, poignant, yet delightful with each word tugging at your heartstrings. I don't mind confessing that when she sent me her post, I cried when I read it - with joy, with love and with gratitude.
Her book "10 Steps to Finding Your Happy Place" is scheduled for release in October this year and I know it is going to be fantastic.
What can I say? I hope to meet Galen in this life.
Over to you, Galen - please weave your magic - and welcome again! It is an honor to have you here.
A Soft Word - Guest Post by Galen Pearl
A soft word turns away wrath....  –Proverbs 15:1
My daughter called me the other day, all upset because someone had been rude to her on the phone.  She was going to have to talk to this woman again to get some information, and Mia was already agitated and defensive about the prospect.  I would like to say that I imparted some great wisdom to her, but I was in a hurry and sort of brushed her off.
Later when I came home, Mia was chatting amicably on the phone.  After she hung up, she told me that she was talking to the woman who had been so rude earlier.  When I asked her how she could account for the change in tone, she said, “Well, I just decided to be nice.  I told her I thought she must have a hard job, probably having to talk to people who were sometimes demanding and unappreciative.” 
After Mia made this overture, the woman admitted that she had been having a frustrating day at work.  Her attitude changed and she was friendly and helpful to Mia. 
Wow, I thought, out of the mouths of babes.  My daughter modeled for me exactly what I hope I would do in a similar situation. 
In another situation, I forgot a commitment I made to a good friend.  In fact, the commitment was to write this very guest post for Vidya.  I didn’t mean to forget, of course, but I didn’t write it down and, as my daughter says affectionately, I have the memory of a gnat.  Bad memory is no excuse, though, and Vidya was counting on me.
As the time approached for me to send the post, and she had not heard from me, she sent me the sweetest email addressed to “Galen dearest.”  In the nicest way possible, what she called a “gentle nudge,” she asked me about the post.  Naturally, I was mortified at my oversight.  After all, who would ever want to disappoint Vidya?!  But her gracious spirit and kind words soothed my own self judgment.  Like Mia, she modeled for me exactly what I hope I would do in similar circumstances.
How easy it would have been for Mia to get defensive and combative with the woman on the phone.  How easy it would have been for Vidya to be irritated and hurt by my forgetfulness.  But each of them took a situation that was fertile ground for discord, and instead sowed seeds of peace.  So generous.
As we go through our daily lives, we have so many opportunities to choose what role we will play in various encounters.  Will we get our knickers in a knot over some perceived slight?  Will our egos rise up in righteous indignation?  Or will we instead choose to be kind, to offer soft words, to extend an open hand?
A Course in Miracles teaches that everything we do or think or say is one of two things.  Everything is either an expression of love or a call for love.  Every time we are poised to speak or think or act, we choose one or the other.  Mia and Vidya both chose to express love.  With both of them as inspiring examples, I hope I will do the same.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.  –Matthew 5:9
Thank you, Galen! 
Please visit Galen's blog at 10 Steps to Finding Your Happy Place (And Staying there) - you will love it!  Connect with Galen Pearl on Facebook and on her Fan Page
Question for you:
Ever faced a situation when you wished you could have taken back your words?  Ever wished you could rewind an occasion and make it better?
Please share in the comments!