A Stolen Few Days in Paris

Posted on the 22 April 2015 by Scarphelia

Better late than never right?
I find it difficult to write about my travels sometimes. 
Not because I don't have the words... if anything it's because I have too many.
I guess I feel curiously protective over my memories, and with a trip like this, where they are so dear and delicate and private to me, the idea of writing down my every thought and feeling about it and sending them all into cyberspace, I just... I can't.
But then not protective in a way that I don't want other people to peek in (cause that kinda defeats the purpose of a public blog haha) but almost, I want to protect them from myself. I don't wanna go back and recall it all with an unavoidably now-altered viewpoint. I don't wanna over-analyse what happened to the point where it genuinely changes the fabric of these memories. I want to keep these perfect little bubbles of experience intact and frozen in time, as if all my memories are not of past events, but at some point in space and time they are all happening simultaneously at once. 
This 3-day trip, undertaken in the icy pre-Christmas winter of last year, was equal parts beautiful and glorious as it was bittersweet, therefore I shall elect not to divulge any of the finer details. Instead, feel free to peruse over my photos of this undeniably aesthetically astounding trip, taken on a 35mm disposable camera and my iPhone 5.
Enjoy x