A Tale of Two Theatres - Visiting the Orpheum and Tower

Posted on the 11 December 2012 by Mk1005 @MetroMoneypit

Earlier this year I mentioned being a member of the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation. The LAHTF (for short) is an amazing organization dedicated to preserving the historic theatres of Los Angeles. I love being a member as one of the perks is discounted (or comped!) admission to their wonderful theatre tours. This year alone I've been behind the scenes of the Palace, the El Capitan, and Grauman's Chinese and last weekend I was able to attend a members only reception at the Tower Theatre
This theatre, built in 1927, was closed in 1988 and since then has only been used for film shoots and special events. But, there is good news on the horizon because the owners are planning on refurbishing and reopening the theatre. Hooray!
But in the meantime it remains closed to the public. Luckily, as a member of the LAHTF I was able to get in last week and snap a few pics.  

So fascinating. And I LOVE that stained glass window in the lobby! This theatre's going to be beaut when it's finished!
Funny enough that same day I also had a date with another theatre, the Orpheum. I was volunteering with the Los Angeles Conservancy for the screening of A Christmas Story. Before my shift I managed to do a little exploring and, of course, took some pics. It was interesting seeing the Orpheum right after the Tower. It was a before and after situation. Here's the Tower in a neglected condition but on the verge of restoration and here's the Orpheum completely restored and fully functioning. Two theatres, two different conditions, but both beautiful in their own way.