A Tear, That Didn't Speak At All.

Posted on the 16 December 2012 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley

A Tear, That Didn't Speak At All.I remember the last time I suffered the fall,Fear and anger is what I distinctly recall;And then a drop of water came to mend it all,A tiny little tear that didn’t speak at all.
How I came this far, in words I cannot explain,But at the end of that fall began excruciating pain.The heart summed up the agony, the pain and frustration of it all,A tiny tear emerged from the eye, rolled down the cheek, ready to fall.
The heart had to let go, it had to survive,Unfortunately, it was the last time I would cry.
At last, the tear made its final call;It left the face, and was destined to fall.The tear didn’t say a word, yet it’s voice I could hear,“Don’t give in to this pain”, it said, “don’t die in fear”.
But the mind gave in, the ego took revenge,Broke a thousand hearts, brought a thousand tears.Now I wish I could take the tear back again,Feel the agony, once again feel the pain.
A thousand tears for one is not a worthy gain,I just want to be human again.
~ A Poem By Pranav