Having stumbled across the blogging from A to Z challenge I have decided to use my month and alphabet to describe and define myself, definitely a challenge I think.
The first thing that come to mind for A is auntie, especially having spent a wonderful weekend with a handful of nephews and nieces.
There are lots of wonderful things about being an auntie, having nephews and nieces is the main one, but also:
1. They're not yours
This means you don't have to get up in the night for them, educate them correctly, taxi them around, pay for university etc.
2. You don't have to be maternal to inherit them
In fact for those of you who don't have children they are the perfect compromise, I was gifted four on getting together with my husband and have aquired another five since.
3. They come in various sizes
My batch are aged 26 to 2, this means I have the benefit of practicing on those older than my children, and spoiling those younger, I have a running partner, hair dresser, princess etc.
4. Seeing them is synonym with celebration
As we don't live close, whenever we get together it's party time, long lunches and walks, even longer chats.
5. Being an auntie is awesome!
I had (and still have) a totally wonderful aunt, who made all our christmases magic and bought us fantastic presents all the time, she is also amazing enough to live in a great place - London, so we have somewhere lovely to stay when we go sightseeing.
She is my idol in the auntie stakes, and every time I come over all auntie again, I think of her, and all she has done for us.