A to Z Blog Challenge - Conclusion

Posted on the 05 May 2012 by Fab40foibles @fab40foibles

As you probably are sick of hearing by now, April was pretty much taken over, for myself at least, by the A to Z blog challenge. A group of nutters, including myself, published a post every day for a month, with only Sundays off for good behavior.

Not only did we have to post nearly every day, but each post had to have as its theme a letter of the alphabet, depending on the date, brains were racked, fingertips were typed bloody, friends and family were harassed for something, anything, beginning with "x", apart from xenophobic.

For some reason which I still can't explain, I decided to make this even more challenging by having each letter describe some aspect of my life, however tenuous the link - Q was pretty far fetched I grant you, but in my defense I think via ferrata sums me up quite well.

So, thoughts on the experience...

I found an awful lot of great blogs out there, some of them made my efforts look rather feeble, some wrote poems, described mythological creatures or their ancestors. A lot of people out there have a lot of creativity and imagination.

I not only found some new blogs, but some new blogger friends, and it's been great fun to see what everyone else has come up with, especially for some of the more difficult ones.

I've discovered organisation I didn't know that I had, especially given that I went away three times during the month, for almost two weeks in total.

Most of all, I spent most of every day thinking about letters non-stop, every time something happened to me or caught my attention my reaction was probably, "oh bugger I've already done "D", rather than "oh my poorly angel, mommy will take you straight to the doctor's.

It was a great opportunity to look at life from a different angle, to take time out to think around a particular topic in a way I wouldn't have done before.

It was frustrating to have many ideas for one letter ,or good(well, in my humble opinion) ideas too late. In fact being humble, or not, was tough too. After deciding to decribe myself or my life with each letter it was hard to find the right balance between telling people how wonderful I am and worrying they'd find out the truth!

I will definitely be taking up the challenge again next time, if I could change anything it would be the order of the letters, why are all the difficult ones at the end of the alphabet when we're running out of steam, motivation, and fingertips? Could we do something about that for next year please?