A to Z Challenge 2014 Reflections

Posted on the 02 May 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

If I thought the A to Z Challenge was amazing last year, then it was even more so, this year. Here’s why.

I bravely signed up with two blogs – On this one, I set out to collect smiles. On my health blog, my theme was living with type 2 diabetes

I was part of the fabulous TeamDamyanti this year and the fun, banter and laughter began long before the actual A to Z challenge. A happy shout out to The Magnificent Seven of #Teamdamyanti : Guilie, Anna, Samantha, Csenge, Jemima and Mary♥ such a great team!

In spite of the stomach ‘flu, crazy-busy offline stuff, family upheavals and building renovations I managed to post every day soon after midnight on this blog. My health blog wasn’t so lucky. I am still chugging along there. All in good time. No sweat. Oh wait, lots of sweat. I am melting where I live. But it is only the weather. My head is cool.

My prevailing feeling about the A to Z Challenge is one of love, happiness and gratitude.

 A to Z Challenge Reflections – Gratitude

I had guest posts by pure rock stars who graced my red carpet. These friends and fabulous bloggers squeezed the heck out of my heart with their beautiful posts and what’s more, absolutely rallied around to reply to comments – they are just wonderful.

Please – a standing ovation for my guests!

Kim of My Inner Chick W for Writing  ♥
Guilie of Quiet Laughter R for Rescue is not for sissies
Joy of Facets of Joy S for Sharing your heart smile with world
Jemima of Jemima Pett J for Juliet, Jemima
Patricia Crisafulli G for Grace
Pratibha Pal of Prats Musings E for Eco-living
Shailaja of Doting Mom Diary U for Unconditional
Tammy Soong B for Blogging Betties – Are you One?

My gratitude also goes out to my Commenting Champions  

Sreeja Praveen
Beloo Mehra
Kim Sisto Robinson (love you more than the fragrance of the huge jasmine garden at our family home)
Corinne Rodrigues (Not just for the comments, but for the fun conversations and laughter we share every day!)
Susan Scott
Michelle Wallace – she gave me a solid complex by systematically catching up on reading and commenting on ALL my posts. Love you, Michelle! You are Ubuntu in action!
Kathy Combs
Tulika Singh
Marie Abanga
Proactive Indian
Mr KP who encouraged constantly

If I missed someone, it is all my fault. Please forgive me.

I had the privilege of guest posting at

Jemima’s blog – X for X-rays
Shailaja’s blog – Practicing Positive Parenting
Corinne’s blog – Z for Zig Ziglar

I can’t forget my friend Freya, who happily started participating on April .. and is now at the letter ” “. Love that girl! ​

Special thanks to Corinne of EverydayGyaan for the A to Z 2014 Facebook group, where almost 80 members got together to support each other, encourage each other.

​And you know what? My feelings about the A to Z Challenge which I wrote in my Reflections post last year still hold good. It is all about community, connections, exploring new styles, creativity, encouragement, commitment, new perspectives and learning and growing together. Oh, and the idea overflow! Love it!

To me, the A to Z Challenge is an exhilarating experience. I loved the adrenalin rush of posting every day, no matter what. I loved the excitement of discovering what the others had for that particular letter of the day. And I love that I wrote on the fly with zero planning, because that’s the way I roll. That doesn’t mean I didn’t think a lot – my drafts are proof of that…but I love the last minute rush.

What would I do different next year?

Definitely try and schedule posts, so there is more time for visiting and commenting. I wish.

​Will I participate next year?

Of course.​

Crazy question.

Blogging Challenges are fun!

Here are my posts from the A to Z Challenge 2014, should you choose to browse and read.

  1. A for Affirmations
  2. B for Blogging Betties. Are You One?
  3. C for Counting Calories
  4. D for Diary Writing
  5. E for Eco-Living
  6. F for Family
  7. G for Grace
  8. H for Happiness. A Habit
  9. I for Inspired every day
  10. J for Juliet, Jemima
  11. K for Kamala Sohonie
  12. L for Limericks
  13. M for Mi
  14. N for Natural
  15. O for Oxygen
  16. P for Puns and Parodies
  17. Q for Quotes
  18. R for Rescue Isn’t For Sissies
  19. S for Sharing Your Heart Smile with World
  20. T for Take a Break. Take Twenty
  21. U for Unconditional
  22. V for Value of Values
  23. W for Writing
  24. X for Xeroxing Smiles
  25. Y for Yardsticks
  26. Z for Zeigarnik Effect

A big thank you to Arlee Bird, the mastermind behind the A to Z Challenge, who has ensured that April is our favorite blogging month.

Thank you to the A to Z co-hosts, helpers and assistants

Finally my heart swells with gratitude towards you, my reader, my friend, my community. Thank you!

Did I collect smiles? Yes! I continue to do so. Every day.

An announcement:

I’ve joined the Blogging Betties as a contributor and my first post “Writing Reviews that Rock” is up. May you please visit and let me know what you think in the comments? Click the image to go there:

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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