A to Z Challenge 2015 Theme Reveal - WOMEN in A to Z PROFESSIONS

Posted on the 23 March 2015 by Amitagulia
April A to Z challenge: I read many posts last year from this and when I tried to participate myself, I realised I was too late. For this year, I registered myself on time.
Now, the challenge to post every day (except Sunday) that too with a particular letter on each day does sound crazy. Having participated in Ultimate Blog Challenge in January 2015, I know the amount of task it requires. For the whole month, I could not think of anything else other than the topic to post for next day.May be this was because I did not have any theme and was just posting random posts. The fact that I had a plan is a different story.
Coming to theme, this is my first April A to Z challenge and I am glad I choose to theme it. I browsed like one crazy girl for various themes. From several different options I settled down upon, I have finally chooses my theme for the challenge.

With the amount of emphasis on women empowerment, I could not stop myself from  choosing my theme as "Women in A to Z Professions". I would be choosing one or may be two professions starting form each letter and create a small post about women as they perform there. Hopefully I would also try and write a very small poem or really short story on the same as-well.
I hope I would be able to do the justice to my theme.
Are you participating in A to Z Challenge 2015? Sign up's are open till 4-April-2015 11:59 PM North America - EST (Eastern standard Time).
Do you have a theme for the month? Check out other theme reveals as-well.
Visit A to Z Challenge to find more details.
Stay Tuned... :)