Diaries Magazine

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest – Sign Up Now

Posted on the 10 February 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest – Sign Up Now

Or as my team mate Guilie says “A Hop Within A Hop: A-Z Theme Reveal!”. Did I say Team Mate? Yes, we’re both on #TeamDamyanti – AtoZ Co-host Damyanti’s team! See the lovely badge in my sidebar >>

So here’s the thing. We’re having a hop within a hop (I had to repeat it!) A hop = A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest (within) a hop = the A to Z Challenge.


I am calling all ye who have signed up for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2014!

What? haven’t signed up yet? Do it now! The link is now open and there are 650 (and counting) so far. Did you sign up? Good!

What is the April A to Z Challenge?

A yearly event that brings more than 2500 bloggers – a MEGA bloghop. Through the month of April, starting on April 1, we write 26 posts starting with A for April 1, B for April 2 and so on until we reach Z for April 30. Except on Sundays, to cleverly accommodate the 26 alphabets.

And now that we’ve come past the To be or not to be – there’s one point of discussion with no end in sight: to Theme or not to Theme?
Turns out there are lots of advantages TO THEME. Yes, you should consider it seriously. Of course you’ll come up with a winner! And once you do, you can’t wait to tell the world, right? And you should!

And so – #TeamDamyanti (I am a part of it!) decided to takethe absolutely awesome Mina Lobo’s initiative last year – the Theme Reveal Blogfest – and turn it into a must-have ritual.


I am co-hosting the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal with Anna Tan, Csenge Zalka, Guilie Castillo Oriard and Samantha! (Yes, the same Samantha who designed the gorgeous theme reveal badge!) My team-mates Jemima Pett and Mary Wallace are supporting us!

Another Drumroll, please!

I am excited to announce…

A to Challenge Theme reveal blogfest

Gorgeous badge by Samantha Redstreake Geary

Here is what you do to participate in the March 21 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

  • Mark March 21, 2014 in your calendar – as the date on which you will publish a post about your theme reveal.
  • Then, Sign up at the linky below. (Just add your blog’s home page link)
  • Grab the gorgeous red badge above to add to your post on March 21, 2014 and link it to this post and also your sidebar if you like!
  • Tell the whole world
  • On March 21, 2014, publish a post talking about your A to Z Theme, telling us what your theme will be, and why it would be interesting for your existing readers and A to Z Participants.

This  is a great opportunity for you to link up with other A to Z Challenge participants, and by the time the challenge begins in April, you’ll have an audience waiting for your posts. True that!

After you publish your post, come back and visit as many A to Zers as you can! Yup! Interaction is the name of the game!

Still frowning and wondering why you should do this?

Build your network – your AtoZ network – before April. Old Jungle Saying. I may or may not have made that up. But I’ve tried and tested it and it works. Get ready for the traffic. Make friends. Have a great time. Enjoy!

“Oy! But I don’t have a theme!”

Yo, you got 40 days to come up with one. F-O-R-T-Y. 4-0 days! That’s a lot of time! And yes you will have a theme!

“So do YOU have a theme?”

He, he. Of course not. Not yet anyway! But I am not saying anything until March 21!

Now sign up.

For the AtoZChallenge 2014.

And this linky below.

You know you want to. We’re here to encourage you!

(You’ll find me on the A to Z Challenge link list at no.55 and 56 – yep! participating with two blogs this year. I figured, if I could ace it last year even while traveling abroad for twenty days in April – anything is possible!)

Sign up and let me know what you think in the comments.

Questions? Ask and ye shall receive the answers!

A to Z Challenge

Here is the linky to sign up!

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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