A Vanity List

Posted on the 20 November 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

25* Things You Might Already Know About Me

  1. I am a clutter bug.  [+more]
  2. One of my greatest fears is the Hulk.  Or, more precisely, Bruce Banner. [+more]
  3. This year, I made a pact with myself to not gift sugar, as it has been the cause of much pain in my family.  I’ve succeeded so far, but I have to admit, I’m a little worried about surviving the holidays without the sugar-gifting crutch. [+more]
  4. I’ve mooned a senator. [+more]
  5. I’m proud to be an American. [+more , +more]
  6. I believe in shopping small– supporting indie shops, authors, and artists. [+more]
  7. I have a beauty mark on my right index finger that tells me I might never achieve my dream of being settled in one place. [+more]
  8. I require a good deal of rescuing. [+more, +more, +more]
  9. My favorite word and concept is “balance”. [+more]
  10. One of the most commonly asked questions of me since I began blogging is “Do you ever have bad days?” and the answer is, of course, yes. [+more]
  11. I’m a Christmas person.  I’ve already started with the music. [+more]
  12. I really do blog naked a good portion of the time, so I am entirely entitled to the badge. [+more]
  13. I consider myself to be Intuu, which is my family’s word for a super intuitive person who acknowledges the truth of their intuition. [+more]
  14. The book I wrote (and finished) for NaNoWriMo last year was about being Intuu and dating at the same time.  It was a sort of memoir that included the many stories I have about living an Intuu-driven life.  [+more]
  15. As far back as I can remember, I’ve only made one decision that my intuition objected to.  It ended badly.
  16. I’m quick to love, and slow to forgive. [+more , +more]
  17. I believe in many different types of love. [+more]
  18. Batman and myself both have ATMA in the middle of our names. [+more]
  19. The name Rarasaur took a lifetime to assemble, but I like to tell people it came about because of vodka. [+more]
  20. When I cry, I really cry.  I can’t necessarily explain what will trigger it, but once it hits, I just can’t stop till I’m all cried out. [+more+more]
  21. I have a middling level of animosity toward fruit juicing machines.  [+more]
  22. I did this post today because I liked E.’s version so much. It matched the sky today. [A Sign of Life]
  23. I really want to win this Coke Zero Christmas sweater. You can vote for me daily.  I also want my husband and CK to win, too. Is that too much to ask? I promise a fabulous photo shoot if I win.  There will be zombie unicorns. [+vote here, +and here, +and here]
  24. I’m an open book.  Really.  Ask any question you want. [+more]

I blanked on a featured image so I used one of my face. But then I got an email asking why it showed up some places and not others, so to ease the confusion, it’s here, too. Problem solved!



How many of those things did you already know?  Do you have any questions for me about me?  Are you a clutter bug too?  (I’m thinking of doing another Riddled Rara post soon, so I may borrow your question for that, or answer it in the comments.)

* #25 I originally intended this post to be about 20 things, and left that description in the social media box.  Then, I wrote 24.  Now it says 20 on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, and it’ll probably drive me crazy for all eternity.