A Very Merry Unbirthday to Me!

Posted on the 06 November 2012 by Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Hello folks,

*Just a little warning this is going to get picture heavy*

On couple of weeks ago I had a surprise birthday, you may know that I’m a Christmas day baby so when my mom woke me up telling me it was my birthday as expected I was very confused and wondering if i’d slept for a couple of months. I was brought breakfast in bed though which I don’t get on my actual birthday so an added bonus.

It was a fantastic day, I got early birthday presents of my mom the main one being a beautiful satchel! I’ve been wanting a satchel for a while and not so subtly hinting about it aka forcing her in front of the laptop while I showed her all of my favorite ones. It’s big and yellow with polka dots, what girl could ever resist it?

The best part of my unbirthday was that I had surprise tea dance! My Auntie was supposed to be coming down for the weekend but for some reason they were only able to make it down for the day, and so I was told we would be going out for vintage style afternoon tea and that we would be dressing up. I was a happy bunny at that because I never say no to a chance to dress up. We then had surprise visitors in the form of my granddad and his wife, so I just thought that the 11 of us were going out for afternoon tea.

OH NO!  When we arrived there all of my mums side of the family were there and some of my closest friends which was really lovely. My mom had also hired dance teachers who taught us a barn dance and a swing dance, I can remember the steps to both dances too! We also had afternoon tea, which was all made by my mom and her best friend.

I had the best day ever and it was such a lovely surprise and one I wasn’t expecting, I’d dropped a hint or two that I would like a party for my 21st but I didn’t think my mom would actually organize one for me. I am truly amazed that she managed to keep it a secret from me knowing just how much I would love it and love organising it.

Me having just been surprised.

My family and friends!

Learning the steps.

and then they let us loose!

Birthday cake time!

Making a wish!

Afternoon tea spread.

I had the best time ever and it was lovely to have everyone together.

Tink x