A Visit from the Fairy HobMother!

Posted on the 07 March 2013 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

A few weeks ago I ran across a post by another blogger mentioning the “Fairy Hobmother.” The post described that if you left a comment, that, the Fairy Hobmother may just visit you.

Well, weeks later, sure enough, an email showed up in my inbox from the Fairy Hobmother.  How awesome is that?

What is the Fairy Hobmother, you ask?  Matt Mitchell, aka , The Fairy Hobmother is a on a mission to spread joy throughout the blogosphere by visiting blogs and offering them a 50 dollar amazon gift card by posting about him and his mission for his fairy overloads.  He works for an appliance company, and is a genius in marketing if you ask me.

It’s a good feeling knowing you’ve made a comment, and weeks later, a little visitor appears in your inbox.  So leave a comment below, and the Fairy Hobmother just may show up in your inbox next.

Disclosure: I was provided with a 50 dollar Amazon Gift Card for this post.