A Wee Baby Update

Posted on the 26 June 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

Just thought I’d give ya’ll a quick update as to where I’m at in this freakin’ pregnancy…

Yesterday around 4 p.m. I had a visit with my doctor since it was my official due date. He wanted to just see how I was doing since he was going out of town today and won’t be back until Wednesday evening. Since he didn’t do an internal exam at my appointment on Friday like he said he was going to, he “had a peek” yesterday.

The “peek” discovered that I was about 2cm dilated, so he decided to help speed up the proceed by doing a “sweep”. For those who are not aware, the “sweep” hurt like a muther-trucker. Think of a PAP test x 1,000,000 in discomfort. Yeah. Ouch.

Anyway, after that he figured I could go into labor anytime after that. Excitement and nervousness instantly overcame me. I called Kyle as soon as I walked out of the office and told him to call work and tell them he’s not coming in because it could very well be baby time!

So, around 5 p.m. I started getting intense lower back pain but didn’t really think to time how often I was having said pain. We walked down to my mom’s since that was the plan anyway (my brother’s visiting during his mid-semester break), and the pain kept coming. My mom was pretty sure I was having contractions since she also had bad back labor when she had me. I like to be in denial, so I didn’t believe her at first, but when it got to the point where I couldn’t function, I believed her.

Kyle and I headed for home around 7:30 and he got the truck pre-packed with my hospital bag and the car seat just to be prepared (He’s a gamer like that and I love it). Around 9 p.m. I started timing things and the contractions were lasting about 30 seconds and were about 5 minutes apart. We headed to the hospital around 9:40 and got to Labour & Delivery at 10 p.m. Kyle called my mom and she got there around 10:30. A nurse came to see me around 11 p.m. and hooked me up to a monitor to check my contractions. They were still on course and timed right, so she checked my cervix and figured I was about 4cm dilated. I was admitted and they put me in a birthing room.

I was managing the pain fairly well and they didn’t have to hook me up with and medication. I walked around the maternity ward in an attempt to speed things up, but my poor chubby feet could only handle so much at a time. That and listening to other women in hard labor was horrifying. I actually heard a baby being born! Crazy …

Anyway, after being up almost all night, Kyle and I finally decided to try and rest the best we could in the uncomfortable hospital “furniture” – me on the awful bed and him in a nasty, old recliner. My mom napped almost all night and Kyle stayed up with me helping me through my contractions, so we were both exhausted. My nurse came in at one point around 6 a.m. and checked to see how much I had dilated and she figured I was at about 5-6cm. Yay! She was also surprised at how well I was handling the pain. Obviously I have super-human strengths.

She said that she’d get ahold of my doctor and so he could check on me, so Kyle went home to check on our dogs before the doc arrived. My doctor showed up while Kyle was still at home, checked my cervix and basically said, “No, no, no, you’re still only at 4cm, but your cervix has changed since I seen you yesterday afternoon. Go home, get some rest, have a shower, get walking around, and let’s hope that helps!” Umm – WHAT?!? At least he expressed some sympathy for me.

Needless to say, I was severely disappointed. My mom drove me home – Kyle was on his way back down but thank God for hands-free mobile devices. He hadn’t made it very far down the hill so he just turned around.

So, at 7:30 a.m. this morning I was home, exhausted from no sleep, and depressed. Kyle made me some breakfast and we promptly showered and went to bed after that. I slept until around 1:30 when I couldn’t handle all the “checking in” texts and phone calls any longer.

Currently, my back is still killing me, but at least I’m at home where I can be comfortable. I’m really wanting this baby out of me, but if she can wait until my doctor is back in town tomorrow evening, that would be okay too. The doctor on call is apparently great, but I’d much prefer my doctor to see the whole thing through.

So that’s where I’m at. Now I’m going to go lay on the couch and hope something starts happening.