A Week in Outfits and My Ingenious Commentary
Posted on the 30 June 2017 by Omfgwinnie
I'm sat in a cafe wearing a very relatable Acne jumper that describes me almost better than Spotify's discover weekly and currently forcing myself to come up with something, anything, that may be worth your while reading (FYI it may not be but it'd nice if you stick around to the end). So, here's not one but a goldmine of outfits I've rounded up for you as well as the music I've been listening to this month; wrapped neatly in a monthly June playlist.It's very easy to forget that blogging is some peoples' job when you're doing your morning scroll through insta, they'll have much more content and clothes to wear and style everyday for their audience. The reality is for everyone else is that we just don't have that many clothes and not everyone has the choice to wear different things every single day, if only we could justifying buying every time we see something we 'like'. I've recently shortened down my wardrobe size due to being a student, duh, but mostly to get rid of clothes I don't wear anymore so it's a win win non? Ok I'm pushing it a bit when I say 'shortened', it's still over filling to the point where I've got 7/8 commodities of outerwear clinging (for dear life I must say) to my wardrobe and on the back of my door at home. After selling a fair chunk of my clothes on depop, I have to reluctantly dig out clothes that I haven't touched since I was 13 and rediscovered some that just cannot be seen in broad daylight ever again. Onto the charity pile it goes. Au revior.Ohhhh the good ol' American flag, now this I seriously haven't worn since the beginning of time, (remember when they were all the rage and Topshop plastered this print on pretty much anything they could get their hands on? By the way, yes this is from Topshop and I actually do have a similarly matching pair of shorts..) more specifically last time I wore this was when I met Harry Styles back in 2012 looking less fresh faced and make-up-less.
The day I wore this leopard dress, I was headed to meet the blogger babe Megan Ellaby and support her charity sale, which was a major success where an incredible £5,400 was raised for the We heart Manchester emergency fund. That morning, I was actually sitting staring at my wardrobe for a good 20 minutes deciding what to wear and I must have changed my jacket at least twice before I left the house. You can't get more fail safe than a LLD (little leopard dress) with ruffles and a leather jacket. As plain as these outfits may seem, sometimes you don't need a magnitude of prints and color to make a statement with your clothes. Thank god for my trusty pair of vintage 501s, I can always rely on them to get me through days where the temperature is the same as the age where you've accepted the concept of adulting where laundry is part of your fortnightly routine and a heated drying rack just doesn't excite you anymore. I still remember that exact day of going into pop boutique in afflecks with my friends and trying on a bunch of Levi's shorts in that tiny homespun changing room. You know when people ask you what you'd say to your younger self? Well here's what I'd say:
Buy them in every color.