Diaries Magazine

A Week in the Life #20

Posted on the 02 July 2012 by Kelliciousxo @Kelliciousxo
A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20 A week in the life #20
Boost smoothies ♥ - Starting my job! - Celebrating surviving 9 months with the old housies - My temporary home - Goodbye first student house - Epic spelling fail on the Electoral Register - Mission
Burrito - Getting my 5 a day onnn - Real Techniques, baby 

Eee, it's been one very busy week! I started my job at Primarni on Tuesday, then had shifts on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday - when I wasn't working, I was packing! My house contract ended on the Friday, so I had to stay in a hotel for the evening. It was a lot more fun that I expected actually, and the hotel itself was right next to the Harbourside so the walk to work the next morning was rather lovely. After my Saturday shift, I then got the train back to Coventry and literally within 10 hours, was back on the train again to Bristol, ready to move into my new house (going back home was cheaper than staying in a hotel for two nights, crazy) My leaving present from South Gloucestershire council was a rather hilariously spelt version of my name on the electoral register - I'd told them enough times how to spell my name (they used to send letters with my name spelt 'Kellie' too, sigh)
I've slept in 4 different beds in as many days and feel absolutely cream crackered! My new house is even better than I remembered it being (I haven't seen it in 6 months to be perfectly honest) and it's so nice to have a room that I can actually move in again but we currently have no internet, and none of our neighbours have open WiFi connections, eeeep. This means my blogging may be very sporadic for a week or too as my landlord hasn't confirmed a new connection date as of yet - so take this as a pre warning :) I promise I have not disappeared!
Oh, and I almost forgot...
I GOT A FIRST FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF MY DEGREE! afhasdfhkasjflj! I was shaking like a mad woman when I saw my results, I am so ridiculously happy that all my efforts paid off. And yes, I know these results don't count towards my final grade but I want a brilliant record for when I apply for placements and post-grad courses, so this is a great start :D
A week in the life #20

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