Diaries Magazine

A Wonderful Day

Posted on the 09 July 2016 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
A wonderful day
Today is the first day of summer holidays ... As I opened my eyes this morning, I took a deep breath, smiled and felt just light and grateful. The last two months has been filled with lots of writing and many deadlines at work, and I managed to finish my'to do' list yesterday. My mind has not fully comprehended that yet, but it will sink into my consciousness within a few day, I'm sure. 
A wonderful day
Our boys have been on vacation already two weeks, and they have yet four weeks to go before the school starts again.Pita lunch with schwarma and pommes frites is the favorite of your youngest son at the moment, so we went to the Schwarma House at noon ... Just a little treat ... A little celebration of that we're on holidays all together. 
A wonderful day
I biked to downtown to run some errands, visited my favorite bookstore and found some titles, I hope to find from Kindle or from the e/book library. I found out that Lisa Genova, whose "Still Alice" I read some years ago, has written also a book called "Left Neglected". The main character, Sarah Nickerson, experiences brain injury, that turns her life upside down ... Lisa Genova is a neuroscientist and a writer. I do like her authentic style of writing, humor with a twist, and the way she describes the characters and weaves the circumstances together.
A wonderful day
The Church of Our Lady • Vor Frue Kirke • has a beautiful silhouette. The sun broke out from the clouds as I was crossing over the square, so I took a snapshot. The Church of Our Lady is the National Cathedral of Denmark, the wedding of Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, and Mary Elizabeth Donaldson, took place in The Chruch of Our Lady in 2004.
A wonderful day
Queen Louise's Bridge is one of my favorite places to stop by, when biking in town. The bridge connects the inner city and the Northern part of the city. There is a bunch of benches on the bridge for people to sit down, together with a fast food stand / hot dogs / pancakes, and in the summer time there is often times music. In the evenings young people hang out on the bridge, in December you cab buy a Christamas tree from the bridge, and in New Years Eve fireworks are being fired from the bridge. I continued from the Queen Louise's Bridge, biking along the City Lakes, and stopped for a while by a bench.  
A wonderful day
It happened twice today, that someone asked me about my handbag "May I ask you where you have gotten your bag from ... Is it a vintage one, did you find it from eBay or Trendsales..."  I do like my brown leather bag, that is not vintage nor a second hand find... I bought it for a year ago from Spikes and Sparrows, a Dutch brand that have developed a special tanning process, that gives the vintage like look to the leather. 
This is actually my first leather hand bag, that I have bought to myself ... I am mostly a tote bag or backpack type of a person, so when the time came that I needed a leather bag, I spent a few weeks surveying online for a bag, that would suit to my needs and that I could use everyday, in every weather and with every kind of outfit. And I am happy with my bag, there is room for a book or two, a bottle of water and a lunch pack, my phone, keys, notebook and a folded tote bag for groceries. 
A wonderful day... My first day of summer holidays is turning to an evening.I cherish the cozy lunch with our youngest today, and grateful for being on the other side of the writing marathon at work.Sipping tea and just being.
NinaFriendship FridayFriday Photo JournalPhoto Friday by JenSaturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

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