This past week you've suddenly starting looking all grown up, your little mannerisms and the way you now sit, you're a proper little person now, it makes me teary really. Gone are the days where you would lay there and let us change your bum, now we have to chase you round the living room whilst you giggle and crawl away..Your eyes are getting bluer, they have a dark ring around them just like mummy's, & they're the same color as Daddy's. Your hair is getting so long too, it gets blonder every month and even went a little curly for a bit, but its now completely straight and you've started getting a fringe :)
Things you do & loveClap your handsStand for short periodsSettle yourself back to sleep at nightSays Mama, Dada, Brabra, Nana, Nomnom & up!Can stand up in your pram (almost gave me a heart attack). bought a new one now!Love the JumperooMake yourself giggleCome over when we call youStare at my chest when I ask you where Boobie isNow have breakfast, toast & some fruitLOVE bread!Changed your routine, sometimes cutting out the third napCan play peek-a-booStill love storytime, especially 'Where's Stripy Fish'Giggle at your reflection in the mirrorIf you dont want something you turn awayShake your hea when we say NoIn the big girl bathLove bouncing up and downLove being upside downStill love the Cloudbabies& Sarah & Duck..oh & The Chase..HaLove Daddy timeClimb on everythingLove holding the TV remoteWant to eat mummys lunch..Have a ticklish neck:)In just 90 days you'll be turning 1, 1!! I cant wait to watch your little personality develop even more & for you to reach more milestones, I know you'll be walking soon, that's when the fun begins! :)
Here is your 0-9 month journey..Plus a collection of new pictures :)
Love you so much beautiful girl :)xxx