A. Type A. I'm with Erin on this one. I take it to a new level. B. Brian, my husband.
AKA the hottie I show off on this blog. :)
C. Christian. Love my God! D. Dogs that run my house. Everyone, meet Reagan and Roxie. E. Earplugs are a must. I wear them every night to bed. Bring on the snores from the husband, ha! F. Fried pickles. OBSESSED lately. (And now craving some...) G. Green is my second favorite color. Next to brown. :) H. Honeymoon is coming in October. I can't wait to hit the road with my sweetie. I. Instagram junkie. I adore it. Find me @mrskaylawhite J. Job- I work at a bank. K. stands for me! L. Love. I know it's an over-used word for L. But I really am a lover. I love people and will give them anything I can or do what I what I can. But if you mistreat me, then it's done. I'm through for life. M. Married last October. #bestdecisionever
N. My former last name. And sometimes it's weird when I see it on mail. #oldandmarriednow O. Ocean. I love the beach. It's mine and Brian's favorite place to visit. P. Pictures are my jam. I take too many and annoy people, but later on they thank me for doing so! Q. Quarters... I see them all.day.long at work. #bankerlife R. Reading is my pastime. I love a good book that I can relate to. Suggestions? S. Sleeping has moved way up on my priority list over the years. I'm a total sucker for a nap now! T. Tender-hearted. My husband tells me all the time I need to work on this. And its true. I can hold my own when I get upset, but first... first I cry. U. Ulta. I could spend hours in there just looking. Good thing there's not one here in my hometown! V. Vacation. We just got back and it was fantastic!
W. W's are my other jam. I seriously have a monogrammed house. Almost. X. X-rays are no fun. Womp, womp. Y. Years of age- 30. Yikes. No, it's not too bad, most days. Z. Zaxby's. My all-time favorite fast food restaurant. And guess what? Corinth is getting one!!!!