
Posted on the 26 October 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

Running is my place of comfort. It is where I go when I need ‘me’ time. It motivates me to get out of bed in the morning. It brings me to new places and challenges me every day. 

It is so peaceful and therapeutic. It is necessary for my mental, emotional and physical well being.

This morning it was hard to get out of bed, but I had no excuses not go running so I forced myself up. My run was tough, but the sunrise was amazing and at the end of 6 miles, I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Jillian Micheals also helped me power through! Lately, I have been in a funky place and running is the only thing that feels right. Today on my run, I was listening to a Jillian Michael’s podcast about acceptance and releasing the need to be in control which really resonated with me.  Instead of being sad and dwelling on things, I need to accept that there are things we can not change, there are things we can not fix.

I have been feeling like OMG I can’t fix that, I can’t turn it around, I can’t make this person different. Earlier this week, I decided to let go and give in. That I didn’t need to focus on the things I can’t control. That I should just be me and let whatever happens happen. So, it was so perfect to hear Jillian’s podcast reiterating what I had been feeling. She quoted a Florence and the Machine song,  Never Let Me Go which is exactly what I was feeling.
“I’m not giving up, I am just giving in.”

I am accepting this is the person you are going to be, this is the situation as it is and I can not change it nor do I need to. It is what it is.
“I’m not giving up, I am just giving in.”

When I am upset it’s because I find some person, place, thing or situation unacceptable to me. And, I will find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation is exactly the way it’s supposed to be at this time.