…Ad Up

Posted on the 21 May 2014 by Zer @the2women

We live in a world that is overrun by advertisements. It’s hard to imagine going even a few hours without being exposed to some form of advertisement.

It can be a little overwhelming at times. Or worse, you can forget they’re even there…that’s when they really get you.

Thankfully, Google has found a gap in the constant advertisement onslaught—appliances.

Yes, that’s right according to a letter from Google to the SEC, Google has plans to add ads to everything from your thermostat to your fridge.

If that’s not enough for you, there’s also talk of ads on car dashboards, glasses, and watches.

The good news is, there’s a small chance the statement is just an excuse to avoid disclosing their revenue generated from mobile devices.

The bad news, it could be true.

More on the Story: PC Magazine

…just for fun: