…add up

Posted on the 08 November 2012 by Zer @the2women

After several days of politics, it’s time to get back to normal (or as normal as we get at 2WC).  I can’t think of a better transition that…can you guess?  A study!  Let’s do this:

I have good news arithmetically challenged, your aversion to math is not all in your head…well it is, but now there’s a study that may explain.

That pain you feel at the thought of long division, may be just that, pain.  Turns out that those who strongly dislike math have similar brain activity to those experiencing physical pain when faced with the quadratic equation, or any other for that matter.

This may sound horrible, but think of the excuses you have now.

Students: It’s only a matter of time before a doctors’ note gets you out of math class permanently

Horrible Tippers: You can blame your stinginess on your painful aversion to percentages and the thought they require.

Waiters/Waitresses: Repeat after me: Sorry, I can’t break that $20/ $50/ $100. Doing math causes me psychological anguish, I’ll just keep the change.

Of course, there may be one flaw in this plan–the calculator, and the probability (yet another painful math thought) that there’s one on your phone.

All of you out there who stress over the arts, I’m sure your time will come.  Be strong.


TIME: High Anxiety: How Worrying About Math Hurts Your Brain

…bi-daily smile…
