Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 03 July 2013 by Latoya @latoyallawrence


Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 2:33 PM EST

Last summer i accompanied a relative to the emergency room of a nearby hospital and as we waited in the lobby to be seen by a doctor a young man there who was also waiting to be examined approached the both of us to strike up a conversation.

You know, some people are just like that-friendly. He told us why he’d come in. Supposedly he fell and hurt his shoulder. Anyway, he revealed that he was a crackhead. He said that he loved to smoke crack and that he also dealt crack and claimed that he had a building full of people hooked on the drug, his customers i guess.

When my relative finally got called by a doctor the young man felt comfortable enough to ask me if i’d ever smoked crack or used any type of drug before and my honest answer was no. So he tried to explain the best way he could to me about being addicted to drugs. Why? I don’t know. Maybe it was just something in life that he was going through and wanted or needed to discuss it with a stranger at the moment.

I’ve had other members of my family who were addicted to drugs and i know their behavioral patterns. These particular relatives of mine are nothing but pure low-life scum! Now i don’t feel this way about everyone who use drugs because everybody who use drugs are not the same.

I don’t judge and don’t have the right to judge everyone mainly because their on or dabble with drugs. I haven’t walked in everybody’s shoes so i don’t always know what may inspire them to do certain things. You don’t have to go through the exact same thing in life to be able to relate to a person or their circumstance. In many ways we are all the same, learning and growing no matter how old we are.

I personally knew good people who used drugs and i had respect for them because when we hung out together they never offered me any of their “stuff ” knowing that it was something that i did not do. Misery often likes company and some will try to get you to do what they do knowing that it’s not your usual thing. People have different reasons for using drugs.

From what i’ve heard about crack is that the first high is the ultimate high and from then on the feeling gets dead and that the people continue to smoke the crack-pipe to reach that same ultimate high which they can’t seem to find again.


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