Self Expression Magazine

Advertise Your Blog Or Small Business Here From Just £3 Per Month!!

Posted on the 29 May 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Advertise Your Blog or Small Business Here From Just £3 per month!!
I am now offering advertising on my blog sidebar!

Ad packages run from 1st of each month until the last day of the month.

To take out an ad package just email me @ Payment by Paypal only.
I have 3 packages available:
The Super Sparkler - (1 space per month available) - £10.00 per month - I will feature your button on my sidebar, and include a link to your blog at the end of each one of my blog posts.
I will also run an intro feature on your blog at the beginning of the advertising period - detailing what your blog is about, featuring a picture of you if you wish and including a link to your blog.I will tweet a link to your blog each Friday for the duration of the month, and I will post a link to your blog on my Blogs Facebook page once a week for the duration of the advertising period.
The Glitz Package (2 spaces per month available) - £5 per month - I will feature your button on my sidebar. 

I will also run a feature on your blog at the end of the advertising period - detailing what your blog is about, featuring a picture of you if you wish and including a link to your blog. 

I will tweet a link to your blog each Friday for the duration of the month, and I will post a link to your blog on my Blogs Facebook page once during the advertising month.

The Baby Steps Package (5 spaces per month available) - £3 per month - I will feature your button on my sidebar and I will tweet a link to your blog each Friday for the duration of the month.

5 SLOTS AVAILABLE - RESERVE NOW FOR JUNE 1STMy viewing statistics as of May 28th 2013 are:

GFC Followers - 408Facebook Followers - 376Twitter Followers - 455Bloglovin Followers - 93NetworkedBlogs Followers - 55SheSaidBeauty Followers - 52=  1439 total followers
I post 5-7 times per week.
My posts are regularly cross-posted to NetMums,, and numerous other blog sites.
Last Months Viewing Figures: 60,451
Total Page Views: 106, 162
Please see most recent stats below:
Advertise Your Blog or Small Business Here From Just £3 per month!!

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