Advice Needed

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Halinak @HalinaKema

My Mom about photo editing:
"..but if you edit it, it's not going to be it. You know what I mean? The way it was when you actually saw it."
I guess that is the ultimate task of photography, and why I love film photography so much- representing things the way we see them. Letting the light do the task of deciding the style, and taking control over the composition to choose the elements we want to portray. I'm debuting as a wedding photographer on Saturday and I'm nervous and excited, because I haven't really been confident enough to take photos of people too much. My relationship to portraits is just the same as my approach to people in general. I'm afraid that I might get on their nerves, or that they get disappointed with the results. Which is something I need to change, and which is why this gig is just right for me. I just really would have felt better with that favorite film camera by my side.
I'm curious. How do you go about when taking pictures of people?