Advice Requested on a Twitter Anomaly. A Reward Given for Advice.

Posted on the 28 December 2011 by Theoutsideviewblog @outsideviewblog
twitter follow unfollow Advice Needed @outsideviewblog

We are making a request to both the twitter advocates and advisers, as well as, to the majestic blogosphere.

We need your help to sort out the statistics of our Twitter account: Why do people unfollow as soon as they follow? Is it a new Twitter trend, is it due the nature of our tweets, is it a normal percentage (statistics are below) and we just haven’t noticed it in other occasions, is it something we do, or something totally else? Is there some way it could be avoided?

Any and all help in solving this anomaly is more than appreciated!

The Questions Is: Why Do So Many of the Ones Pressing the Follow Button Unfollow You in the Same Instant?

We been on Twitter with this account from the 1st of October, and with originally created content through this site from the 7th of December.

Based on a quick analysis on our Twitter follower status today (on the 28th of December 2011), a whopping 55% of the ‘followers’ have ‘unfollowed’ us in a weeks time from the original follow-action. To us this number seems huge. Are all of these so called followers just follow-baiters or is the question of something else?

We imagine that many are trying to bait us to follow them, but as newbies in the usage of twitter for blogging purposes (in a non-corporate or strictly personal capacity), we are really amazed at the number of ‘poppers‘ we get to our account. ‘Poppers’ or what ever you want to call the accounts or the persons who try to bait you to follow them. Easy due to the old Twitter culture of ‘if you follow me, I follow you’. A kids play of a habit may we dare to say.

If You Know Or Can Guess the Reason, We Would More Than Appreciate Your Advice!

To us this is a new evolution in Twitter, something we haven’t encountered before in business or personal context. As such, we are extremely intrigued by it, by the ‘anomaly’.

Have you encountered it before? Are all all of those just link baiters? Are we doing something totally wrong with this twitter account? What is your take on the reasons? If you can provide us with any insight, we more than appreciate you comments or direct messages to us.

As A Reward We Commit to Building a Link to Your Page of Choosing.

As a reward for your time and trouble, we will help you to build links and so do our small part in increasing your traffic. We will build a link to the account you mention in your comment in a separate post communicating the resolution to this predicament. Besides this small link building effort, you of course,  deserve our warmest heartfelt thank you! So oncve again, and already in advance, thank you! We give a two month time span to get and create enough content for the new article and for you to help us with the answer.


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