
Posted on the 11 July 2014 by Chhavivatwani @chhavivatwani
Blaring leaf vacuum every morning
Chocolate chip , oatmeal , raisin cookies
Particularly the ones with ice cream in between
Pancakes , slathered with dollops of agave syrup
And everything that's Knott's Berry's
Is no longer the tale of a fairy
Neither is The Family Guy
A sweet , funny show to see
That laughter captivates my ears
Like you're right here , so near
Everything about you , your religion ,
Our memories , are haunting
Those facial features I came to associate
With your people, their color , and clothes
Repel me , excruciatingly
Finalizing my sufferance to its peaks
Sweet eyes that once smiled
Lovingly at me , keep skipping my beats
The vista of the ocean from the Villa top
The strand where we built our sand temple
That room we lived in
It's rooftop - in all its glory and ordeal
And times when friends and strangers enlightened us
"Cutest couple" , and "Surprisingly happy to find out you are together"
The way you'd barge in and demand
To see me , to hold me and never let go
The way you relish your food , that bliss
And that sorrow of tear strained eyes longing to burst through
Your complaints of being fat even with
Those perfect cuts on your body ,
Your gripe of rough and dry hands that could
Unharmingly , smoothly trail the curves of mine
Those curses in the air at random traffic
And your celebratory speeches
All these are like links that chain me down
From moving on , chain-leaches
And now your austerity
For proving me an obscurity
Abomination of our affiliations
Your apathy is an obscenity
Unflinchingly , it still hopes
As that's what love does , and not grudge
Ironically , Pharrell's "Happy"
Is linked with you too