Diaries Magazine

African Rhythms and Summer Landscapes

Posted on the 13 July 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
African Rhythms and Summer Landscapes
The weather has been sunny and warm this week - Thursday was the warmest day this summer, the temperature reached up to +30 C / +86 F. 
I have enjoyed the summer feeling on the evening walks - either in the forest, where my husband and the boys are running, or by the nearby lake.
African Rhythms and Summer Landscapes
It's been rather warm in the office - Open windows help a lot, thought. 
On Thursday morning I invited my colleagues to a "Farewell-Breakfast" - It was so nice that many had the possibility to join ... 
I cherish the nice words and speech I received - hiding them in my heart - Being thankful of the people I have gotten to know,  and everything I have learned and been able to experience during the last 5 years.
African Rhythms and Summer Landscapes
I received a beautiful bouquet from a sweet colleague of mine on Friday - She had bind it together herself! (I'll post a picture in colours next week :) Packing the office down in Friday took longer than I expected, sorting out what would be important to save, what should be thrown out takes time.
New adventures at the new work are awaiting after the summer holidays ...
African Rhythms and Summer Landscapes
We celebrated the 16th birthday of our oldest son in Friday, eating out at his favorite restaurant Wagamama, which has a Japanese kitchen. He invited some friends along ... Cake and family celebration continued on Saturday. 
I'm thankful for our boys - the time goes so fast! ... Watching them and their cousin yesterday - A bunch of lovely & wonderful teenagers :)

We listened to lively rhythms and special instruments yesterday at Skt. Hans Square, where King Ayisoba from Kenya played with his band at Copenhagen Jazz Festival:

"King Ayisoba is one of Ghana's most powerful music profiles. He is touring this year for the first time in the West with a full band of singers, musicians and energetic dancers home. 
The traditional music is based on a stringed lute called kologo. In company with his brother, who plays on a special nordghanesisk hunting horns, King Ayisoba created its own bony kind of blues filled with occupied rhythms, call and response vocals and raucous beauty."(Jazz.dk)

King Ayisoba & Band from Kenya at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2014 from Nina Jensen on Vimeo.

The weather took a drastic change to rain and cooler temperatures - well, I have a few good books that I've been looking forward to read - books and rainy days are a very good combination!

Wishing you a lovely weekend and happy holidays!


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