After a Solo Visit to the Honolulu Art Museum, I Hopped Over to the Farmers’ Market at Neal...

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Aleeka @Aleeka_Leeks

After a solo visit to the Honolulu Art Museum, I hopped over to the Farmers’ Market at Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall with Andy and Maria. It tickles me that I still don’t know the name of their employer. I know they work for someone noteworthy but, out of respect, I haven’t probed…even when they refer to their coworker as “Number 5”. They both subvert traditional notions of how women over 40 look, behave, and treat younger women. I feel so blessed to have their friendship here and it’s a bellwether for the relationship I’ll have with my sisters, who are my ultimate supporters, as we age. My mom and sisters are going to love the Farmers’ Market. Andy ordered three plates from Otsuji Farm for us and I immediately went to my “happy place”- giggling, heavy breathing, touching my skin. This is living: 

image   On the far right is one of the best things, outside of my mother’s cooking, that I’ve ever eaten. It’s a kale tempura chip topped with guacamole, ahi, and spicy mayo. It’s probably not meant to be eaten as an amuse-bouche but I put the entire chip in my mouth. In the middle are bananas coated in purple yam and sugar. On the far left are fried mushrooms. 


Afterwards, I tasted almost all of these Honomu Jams. My favorite is the Passion Fruit Ginger. We ended the day with Maria treating us to paletas from OnoPop. I ordered the guava tamarind ice pop and it was so delicious. 

The full harvest moon served me well today- I had a couple of my career desires fulfilled, in addition to eating a yummy feast and discovering new painters at the art museum. The oil painting below was my favorite of the day. It’s titled “View Near Elizabethtown, New Jersey” and it’s by Regis Francois Gignoux, a Brooklynite of French extraction. 


Today was a magical day and I’m now eager for the next full moon.