Diaries Magazine

Afternoon Delight!

Posted on the 11 December 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
Today is the second day here in Utah that snow has blanketed the ground all day. It's been a nice change, the air feels really fresh and crisp. I imagine when I walk out my door in the morning to a fresh snow fall, is how laundry feels coming out of the dryer. Except for the warmth of a dryer. That is the one down fall.
During the winter, I usually would prefer not to gallop around outside, because of the cold. It's pretty to look at or walk to your car in. Usually I'd rather stay warm. Today I was leaving for my lunch break and I had left it till the last minute, a really late lunch. I walked out to my car, and really had no idea of what I was going to do with the hour ahead of me.{This is a photo I took from my office window}Afternoon Delight!
I had the greatest idea. I went and parked in an empty parking lot. I turned my heater way up high, and I smashed my face all up in my coats hood. I laid my seat back put my feet up, and I took a midday nap. I napped like it was nobody's business. 
It really made my day 10 times better, then on top of that glorious decision. I had 20 minutes left in my hour, and I made another brilliant decision. I ran to the gas station and I got loads of candy. I hate chocolate, so I ended up with sour spaghetti, peach rings, mentos, and a red bull for tonight. 
We are headed to our friends tonight for movie night. We are watching Argo, and they aren't able to get off work and home until 9pm, so I need to wake my body and brain up to prep for this movie! A little afternoon nap, and some red bull will keep me wide awake for Argo!
I really hope Argo is good, I have wanted to see it so badly! Now, I will stay awake for the whole movie and most likely even the ride home!
What're you doing tonight? Do you ever take midday refreshers?

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