Alaska Bound!

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling


We’re finally off on our Disney Alaska Cruise! For the next week, we’ll be exploring the inner passage by cruise ship – but also by horse, helicopter, snowshoe, sled dog, and zipline! I can’t wait to share our adventures with you, but since our internet is going to be sporadic at best, I’m not making any promises to show up online until the middle of this month! By that time, we’ll be in Hawaii and you’ll get a little tour of our digs there along with the recap from the cruise. Until then, here’s wishing you a wonderful rest of your summer, and hope you all seize the opportunity to get out there and have yourselves an adventure!

If you’re interested in updates on our travels, you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (@kcsaling on both). Do drop by – I’d love to hear from you!