Aliens, Of The Mexican Variety

Posted on the 25 April 2012 by Nickmcdonald @W_W_O_Nick_McD
I'll get one thing strait, I'm a minimalist, I'm not rich nor do I want to be. If I have a computer, somewhere to plug it in, a bed to sleep in, and food to stay alive I'm good. Well, I do like my bikes, but these things aren't necessary!! And don't get all pissy saying I'm Canadian I don't know what it's like to live in poverty because I know that, I haven't had to work for anything and I know that, you don't have to point it out. I just see a problem with the world and want to point it out, And if you are from anywhere other than like Africa or the middle east or some shit like that shut the fuck up because you don't know what your talking about ether.
I resent people that hoard shit, like "Oh! I need my cottage, where else will I go to get away from the stress of my life?" Fuck you bitch, do you know how many lives you could save with that kind of money? Seriously, why do you need that it's fucking stupid, you go there like a few weekends out of the year and the rest of the time it just sits there, you could at least give it to some homeless guys for the rest of the time you're not there, they would probably mess the place up a bit but whatever!
Nextly, one of the main topics of this article illegal aliens, I support immigration, I think if you want to go somewhere, you should be able to! One thing that pisses me off is people that resent "illegal" immigrants, like I can understand not being happy when someone is willing to do your job for cheaper than you are, but fuck, they are people! Human fucking beings, that ARE desperate enough to do the work for less so maybe you don't deserve the job as much as that person does. So fuck you, stop complaining and try harder, You grew up in the western world you had 100 times the opportunities that he had, you could have gone to college you could have got a fancy degree and be making 6 figures but instead your having your lawn care job stolen by Jose the Mexican; you don't understand that that is success for him, coming to America and getting that job mowing lawns is like his equivalent of getting a degree from Harvard and working at a swanky law firm. He comes from a place that sucks and he made something of him self, you should respect that not call them lazy and good for nothing because they aren't if you were born in Mexico, you would still be back there working long and hard for pay that makes minimum wage look like a fortune. And you would probably be bitching about some other poorer country. So what I'm saying here is if you don't like where you stand on the totem poll that is YOUR fault YOU didn't try hard enough it isn't Jose's fault, he was successful, it isn't the economy, if the economy was still good you still wouldn't be successful. So what I'm trying to say is stop being a bitch and fight for what you want.
I could keep going on about this all night but it's 1:45 and I'm tired so I will rap it up, "Illegal" immigrants are PEOPLE and you should treat them like PEOPLE and if you don't feel that way fuck you, you're a dick get off my blog even though I need the traffic, fuck off, go find a right wing forum and talk to the rest of your KKK friends. America isn't the greatest nation, nether is Canada, nor Mexico, plus why do we even give a fuck about boarders anymore why can't we just be one big country called earth it will eventually happen think about it, way back there was tribes 1000s of them each with their own laws then eventually those tribes forged to create bigger tribes, then let's say Great Britain  was divided into regions controlled by the dominate tribe then some of the regions combined to gain power then furthermore until they realized that on the other side of the water there was more regions so they combined to form one, and the same for the other side of the water happened the regions became countries most of which have combined with other countries over the years by war, or alliances now with the E.U you can see that Europe is starting to form into one big region and the same is happening with North America, and all other continents, so it may take a long time but the trend seems to be that we will all become one at some point. Wouldn't it be nice if that could be now? Stop with the hate we are all the same whether your an American or a Mexican you are both Earthicans.
Nick McDonald