Diaries Magazine

All Systems Down At Mummy B HQ

Posted on the 14 January 2014 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
We have a poorly girl tonight. I came home from work to a shower of vomit! Lovely. She has now crashed, but hasn't kept anything down, not even a drop of water. I HATE it when she is ill, which she is a lot, I'm hoping this is just her little body building up its defenses for later in life. So for now I will be mopping, cuddling, changing, bathing and mothering my baby girl. She is due to be in nursery tomorrow, Thursday and Friday but due to their 48 hour policy (which they should have to stop spread of infection) she will be unable to go. Pressures of a working mom.All Systems Down At Mummy B HQGet well soon little dMummy B xoxox 

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