So last Sunday we enjoyed a hearty Sunday dinner, which was followed up by a chocolate trifle. Although we don't like Eden have too much sweet stuff, a bit of trifle was put in a bowl for him.
Eden tried it and promptly spat it out - he isn't keen on things with a similar consistency to spray cream, although I did think that the chocolate flavor might override his feelings. Being a caring father I promptly got rid of the rest of his trifle by eating it.
Afterwards, we went into the kitchen.
Now the thing you have to understand about Eden is because his speech development isn't quite up to speed (he's possibly on the Autism Spectrum - we're waiting for a diagnosis) you generally have to break sentences down, and use simple words, and give him a bit more time to respond to questions.
I said to him, "Now Eden, you wasn't keen on your dessert, so would you like one of Nana's buns-"
"CAKE, WANT CAKE!" Eden promptly interrupted me.
Maybe he does understand more than we sometimes assume!
Whilst on the subject, we had his Team Around the Family meeting on Friday, which went really well. We're going to proceed with getting a Statement of Educational Needs sorted out so that when he's old enough to go to school there's a Statement already in place for the school to follow. It's a great comfort to see the various professionals involved working together and agreeing progress. We also got to see the records our nursery was keeping of Eden's development, and one record from about a month ago really stands out, where he was asked to dance by one of the other children and promptly danced and hugged. Interaction with other children has been a real issue for Eden and I'm so pleased to see that he's making some progress in that area.
Have you seen this toddler with a lightsaber?
More difficult to handle than you might imagine. I particularly like the flamethrower.
Finally today I also wanted to flag up a friends blog, Bad Dog Blog by Baiban. Baiban's a computer specialist, he's just started blogging but already he's got a couple of really good articles about keeping yourself safe when using computers, which I think is a massively important issue - so many people use computers nowadays without really knowing if it's safe to click on this link or open that email that they end up with infections and all sorts of their computers accidentally. Go check it out here.