For these Almond Whoopie Pies you need basically almonds, unsalted butter and an egg - together with a bit of sweetened and baking powder. I filled the whoopies with whipped cream and a spoonful of my favorite jam, which is starberry-apple jam at the moment.
I eat a handful of almonds every day, either at the breakfast or as a snack later on ... Almonds do contain all sorts of healthy nutrienst, such as amino acids and fatty acids, and they also give you a feeling of being satiated.
So when I came accross this recipe I immediately wanted to try it: The whoopies turned out nice and crunchy, and the almond taste goes well with the soft cream and jam - Yum!
(The filling according to the original recipe consists of cream cheese, whipped cream and lime - but I was drawn to keep it simple and used the lactose-free cream alone since it suits best for my digestion).
Almond Whoopie Pies (6 pies)
Pie bottoms:
1,3 cup (3 dl) almonds flour (chop the almonds in a coffee grinder/ food processor to almond flour)
2 oz (60 g) soft unsalted butter
1 teaspoon stevia (or 2 teaspoons sugar, honey, acacia syrup or other sweetener)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
½ cup (1 dl) whipped cream
0,5 teaspoon vanilla powder
0.5 teaspoon stevia (or sugar / other sweetener)
6 teaspoons strawberry-apple jam (or some other jam you like)
Decorate with:
Powdered sugar
Mix all ingredients together and form 12 small, round pies onto the baking tray Bake at 390 degrees F. (200 degrees C.) for about 10 minutes.
Whip the cream and sweeten it with stevia / sugar and vanilla powder. Add one spoonful of jam to the center of the pie bottom, pipe a circle of whipped cream around the jam, and set another pie bottom on the top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Next time I'm going to fill these whoopie with chocolate mousse- it would go well with the almond taste, wouldn't it?!
View the printable recipe
I'm linking to the following blog parties:
Serenity Saturday
Pi Day Pie Party
Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays
From Dream to Reality - D.I.Y. Dreamer
Recipe Sharing Monday - Jam Hands
Marvelous Mondays - This Gal Cooks