Almost, Wordless Wednesday

Posted on the 30 May 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen
Meet my baby boy, Jaggar Leigh.

Jaggar was King of Castle Pace before Titan came along. This 16 pound tom cat was sweetest lil baby boy. 
After having a few teeth extracted, we found out he had cancer. He had so much fluid in his lungs, there was nothing we could do to save him. So, despite me not wanting to let him go, I did not want him in pain.
I was with him when he went to sleep and I blessed his journey to the Rainbow Bridge. His loss was so devastating to my husband and I that within a month, I rescued Titan.
The house was soooo lonely without Jaggar but yet I couldn't dare bring another cat into his domain. Jaggar was cremated and now sits on a shelf in my bedroom next to my bed and next to my previous cat, Pharoah.
My sweet baby boy Jaggar is still here with us. xoxoxox