Self Expression Magazine

Aloha Monday!

Posted on the 07 January 2013 by Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6

Aloha Monday!

Strength 26.2 Brag Bar Charm

After being off of work for nine days it was kinda hard to get back in the working frame of mind. Not only that, I had to get back into the lunch making frame of mind as darling daughter is back to school today after three weeks off.
And I am going to have to readjust. I had two weeks of not having to get up as early as I could work a bit longer if I made it to the gym later. Or I could go run solo after work as dear hubby was taking care of darling daughter. Then I had my vacation week where darling daughter could sleep in until 6:00 am and still get to the gym and go through our day as usual...on most days that is. What a wonderful life!
It is a good thing I really do love my away-from-home job and my co-workers or this getting back to reality would really be bringing me down. But I gotta say, the vision of being a stay at home mom pureeing foods, making healthy meals and muffins, running, playing, crocheting, and just being silly sounds quite heavenly. And yes, I realize stay at home moms work their butts off too with doing laundry, shopping, cleaning, cooking, gardening, insulating water heater pipes, etc. I did that too and yep, it was fun! But I guess it was so much fun since I felt I had 8 extra hours each day!
But back to reality and the 4:00 am, or earlier, wake-up calls. How did I do today? Flop. BIG FLOP. I just slept in a bit longer and skipped the pre-work run. It doesn't help that the gym opens later on Mondays so I know I have to be there at 5:00 am, opening time, and just have 30 minutes of running time before work. It tends to make me lazier at the start of a new week. But I would like to start the week strong.
So today when I finished showering and was dressed ready to go to work I took a slight detour. I went back into my room and got my new STRENGTH necklace (from Lift Your Sole), my power word for 2013, and put it on. I am strong. Sleeping in doesn't make me weak. In fact, it is going to take strength to run after picking up darling daughter from school and going to the grocery store. And I have the inner strength to do just that!
Now I just need to tap into my inner strength and NOT hit the snooze button tomorrow.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the smiling moon this morning. I did try to take a picture but it really sucked so I will save you the torture.
Daily Affirmation: Balanced living is becoming more natural and easy for me.

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